It’s not about the food. I mean, obviously it is about the food but that isn’t the most important part. Sometimes you can get the most mouth watering morsels in a funky spot that looks like an old laundromat. Or absolute cardboard crap in a glorious architectural specimen with sweeping vistas. At Rocker Oysterfellers you get a little bit of all the goods. From the rocking chairs on the front porch you can suck down a PBR from a mason jar or a flute of sparkling while checking out the local cow country. The place is in an old school building from the late 1800s that I’m pretty sure used to be a brothel. A gravel parking lot leads to a couple of big goats in the back forty named Pancho and Lefty, who aren’t quite friendly.

You can get some afternoon delight for your mouth with 5 flavors of grilled oysters as well as the fresh, raw, notoriously naughty bivalves. And if that doesn’t float your boat, the bacon wrapped goat cheese jalapeños will burn it down. But in a good way…the food is lovely. Fried chicken. Fish tacos. A thick ass steak. Locally sourced, supporting the nearby farms. House made pimento cheese from the award winning Estero cheese that you can actually see the farm from the front porch. And if you get there quick, you might score some bacon wrapped water buffalo meatloaf from just down the street.

The real truth is in the bar. It’s like a west county version of the breakfast club but all grownups. You could be sitting next to a cattle rancher, surfer, wine maker, fisherman, or a tourist from Germany. You never know. But unless you are a mute you will find interesting conversation. People share tables and become best friends. You can have a delicious Manhattan with some deviled eggs and shoot the shit with a local cheesemaker. Or just stop by for a beer. Whatever you do, if you are driving by, stop. Oh, and by the way, if you want you can also sleep over in the hotel up above. You might see a ghost or just have a super chill time in a room with no tv, where people just talk. Or whatever.